Board members present * Bdale Garbee (bdale) (President) * Michael Schultheiss (schultmc) (Vice President) * Neil McGovern (Maulkin) (Secretary) * Jimmy Kaplowitz (Hydroxide) * David Graham (cdlu) * Branden Robinson (Overfiend) Board partially present * None Board members absent with regrets * Martin Schulze (Joey) * Josh Berkus (jberkus) (Treasurer) * Ian Jackson (IanJackson) Board members absent Board advisors present * None Registered guests present * Jonathan McDowell (Noodles) * Joshua Drake (linuxpoet) * Chris Travers (metatrontech) * Joerg Jaspert (Ganneff) * MJ Ray (slef) * Bill Allombert (yp17) * Louis Suarez-Potts (louis_to) These are the draft minutes for the April 20th, 2007 SPI Board meeting, held at 19:00 UTC in #spi on LOG President's Report Bdale reported that he is now a non-voting observer of the OSI board. Treasurer's Report None received Secretary's Report All mail to have been resolutions visible on public spi mailing lists. Debian has elected a new DPL: Sam Hocevar who takes over from Anthony Towns as advisor to the board Spanish Trademark Report Neil McGovern has not yet received a reply to his offer to fly to Madrid, and will mail Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña and Javier de la Cueva to ask if reimbusements for expenses would help move this matter forward. Outstanding Minutes Current status: March 16th 2007 minutes have been raised for approval of the board. Motion to accept the March 16th minutes, moved by David Graham, seconded by Jimmy Kaplowitz. Bdale Garbee: Abstain Michael Schultheiss: Yes Neil McGovern: Yes Jimmy Kaplowitz: Yes David Graham: Yes Branden Robinson: Abstain Motion passes with a vote of Yes: 4, No: 0, Abstain: 2. Debian Logo License A request has been made to re-licence and change the position on how SPI pursues the Debian Logos. Neil McGovern, Branden Robinson and Jimmy Kaplowitz are to liaise with Sam Hocevar to bring this item to a closure at the next board meeting. discussion summary Neil McGovern noted that most board members had not responded to acknowledge the accuracy of the discussion summary. He will email board members who have not responded directly. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned until Friday, May 18, 2007 at 19:00 UTC. Appendix A: Current Board Membership Date elected Name Role [2004-07-29] Bdale Garbee President [2006-07-31] Michael Schultheiss Vice President [2006-07-31] Neil McGovern Secretary [2006-07-31] Josh Berkus Treasurer [2004-07-29] Branden Robinson [2004-02-20] Jimmy Kaplowitz [2003-11-29] David Graham [2003-11-29] Ian Jackson [2003-11-29] Martin "Joey" Schulze Appendix B: Approved Resolutions Resolution 2007-02-15.jrk.1 - Openness of SPI Decision making Resolution 2007-02-28.iwj.1.jrk.1 - Formally recording Debian's status as an Associated Project Resolution 2007-03-16.jmb.1 - Accepting as Associated Project