On Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 09:42:45PM -0500, Taral wrote:
> Okay, so I've been remiss as chair. Who's still with us?
Oddly enough, I am, and I just discovered (thanks Jimmy) that I may
actually have the power to officially resign from this committee since
I happen to be the president :-) (The problem before was that my name
was explicitly written into the charter, leaving things in a limbo if
I were to resign) Please, carry on.
In case there is any doubt, I hereby delegate all my authority as
chair to Taral.
I will see if I can just *poof* Taral to chair, myself and Manoj off,
and Matt and Craig on to the committee under Article 8 (which gives
the President the power to "appoint all committees"). Or better yet,
you tell me if I can -- this is the bylaws committee, after all :-)
-- John