Meeting log for 2008-08-20

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log for 2008-08-20
Date: 2008-08-21 08:47:39
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Lists: spi-general

A curious little meeting to elect officers, on the regular date rather
than a just-after-elections meeting. With most of the board recently
returned from Argentina, there seemed to be a bit of confusion about
timezones which saw president Bdale Garbee miss the meeting. The
unexpectedly-present deputy president Joerg Jaspert delegated the
chair to Neil McGovern.

Reports were still almost completely missing. I think this is a shame,
as it's a low-cost opportunity to tell people what SPI has done, like
the debconf BOF and the money movements.

The main activity saw Jimmy Kaplowitz replace Neil McGovern as
secretary and that was the only change AFAICS. Also, David Graham
informally introduced a plan to expire most SPI contributing
memberships, which wasn't mentioned in his election platform,
resulting in some dissent during the meeting from a non-board-member.
The plan was referred to the membership committee.

By the way, I've been asking people why they do and don't join SPI at


[item 1, Opening] <Maulkin> Welcome to today's Software in the Public
Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the
web at:

[item 2, Roll Call]
<cdlu> David Graham
<zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
<Maulkin> Neil McGovern
<schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
<Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
<Hydroxide> JImmy Kaplowitz
<luk_> Luk Claes

[item 3, President's Report] <Maulkin> None according to Agenda, and
then Bdale not here, so we can skip this.

[item 4, Treasurer's Report] <schultmc> nothing to report at this time
other than I'll be working with Josh Berkus over the next few weeks to
get regular reporting done

<schultmc> Hydroxide: very likely [to be in place for next meeting]
assuming I can get the proper info from Josh

<schultmc> cdlu: I'll get [an annual financial statement for
last year] asap

[item 5, Secretary's report] <Maulkin> I'd suggest that no one is
secretary for two years in a row :)

[item 6, Outstanding minutes] <Maulkin> Nothing this month again I'm
afraid. These should all be ready for next month, now that it's a
little quieter.

[item 7, Items up for discussion] <Maulkin> One item here: voting on
new officer positions. Firstly, I'd like to welcome the returning
board members, and thank all candidates for running. As per our
by-laws, we are to elect from our membership a president,
vice-president, secretary and treasurer. For the record, These are
private votes, to be sent to me in /msg. I have recived expressions of
interest for the following: president: bdale; VP: Joerg; secretary:
Jimmy; Treasurer: Michael. All officers are elected as above. And on a
personal note, may I say: Hydroxide - haha, it's your problem now :)

<cdlu_> anyway, I'd like to say that I intend to introduce a
resolution for the next meeting calling for the "contributing
membership" list to be made up of those who have voted in the previous
election, plus any people who have joined since the previous election.
which will allow us to have a referendum sensibly.

<Maulkin> Next board meeting - Wednesday, September 17th, 2008, 19:00 UTC


20:02:44 <Maulkin> *GAVEL*
20:02:44 <Maulkin> [item 1, Opening]
20:02:44 <Maulkin> Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
20:02:48 <Maulkin> [item 2, Roll Call]
20:02:51 <Maulkin> Board members, please state your name for the record. Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Maulkin if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
20:02:53 <cdlu> David Graham
20:02:54 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
20:02:55 <Maulkin> Neil McGovern
20:02:59 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
20:02:59 <zobel> NOW :)
20:03:03 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
20:03:05 <Hydroxide> JImmy Kaplowitz
20:03:08 <cdlu> quorum
20:03:16 <Hydroxide> (had momentary connectivity blip, switched computers)
20:03:36 <Maulkin> Any more?
20:03:47 <Maulkin> luk_ / bdale ?
20:03:53 <Ganneff> who had regrets besides me?
20:03:54 <zobel> bdale said to be around?
20:03:57 <schultmc> linuxpoet?
20:04:02 <luk_> Luk Claes
20:04:18 <Maulkin> Well, we can catch up
20:04:19 <Maulkin> [item 3, President's Report]
20:04:19 <Maulkin> None according to Agenda, and then Bdale not here, so we can skip this.
20:04:19 <Maulkin> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
20:04:19 <Maulkin> Michael, your fun.
20:05:23 <schultmc> nothing to report at this time other than I'll be working with Josh Berkus over the next few weeks to get regular reporting done </done>
20:05:37 <Hydroxide> schultmc: how likely is that to be in place for next meeting?
20:05:44 <Hydroxide> (tentatively going to be 9/17)
20:05:48 <cdlu> schultmc, do we have an annual financial statement for last year?
20:06:00 <schultmc> Hydroxide: very likely assuming I can get the proper info from Josh
20:06:14 <Hydroxide> schultmc: good.
20:06:20 <schultmc> cdlu: I'll get one asap
20:06:39 <Maulkin> Any more?
20:06:41 <cdlu> thanks. I'd like to know how much money goes through SPI in a year, as well as how much we have at the end, if possible.
20:06:56 <schultmc> Maulkin: not from me
20:07:02 <Maulkin> Cool.
20:07:05 <Maulkin> [item 5, Secretary's report]
20:07:05 <Maulkin> Nothing received.
20:07:35 <cdlu> maulkin, no parting secretary's report?
20:07:58 <Maulkin> Well, ok: I'd suggest that no one is secretary for two years in a row :)
20:08:07 <cdlu> "I've hand-written 227,848 words as secretary. I'm done." type of thing. :)
20:08:13 <cdlu> I'll second that
20:08:27 <Maulkin> I'll do some parting thing for the minutes
20:08:34 <Maulkin> Speaking of which:
20:08:37 <cdlu> every secretary has done awesome year 1, miserable year 2+
20:08:40 <Maulkin> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
20:08:40 <Maulkin> Nothing this month again I'm afraid. These should all be ready for next month, n
20:08:40 <Maulkin> ow that it's a little quieter.
20:09:04 <Maulkin> [item 7, Items up for discussion]
20:09:15 <Maulkin> One item here: voting on new officer positions
20:09:41 <Maulkin> Firstly, I'd like to welcome the returning board members, and thank all candidates for running
20:10:00 * Hydroxide seconds those thanks.
20:10:14 <Maulkin> As per our by-laws, we are to elect from our membership a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
20:10:27 <Maulkin> For the record, These are private votes, to be sent to me in /msg
20:11:13 <Hydroxide> Maulkin: do we even have more than one candidate for each position?
20:11:19 <Hydroxide> or for any positions?
20:11:23 <Maulkin> I have recived expressions of interest for the following: president: bdale; VP: Joerg; secretary: Jimmy; Treasurer: Michael.
20:11:50 <Maulkin> Does anyone have comments/further nominations/whatever?
20:12:09 <cdlu> arg... connection choppy.
20:12:09 * cdlu wait sfor it to catch up
20:12:34 <Maulkin> Now is the time to express concern should you wish to. Speak now etc :P
20:12:42 * cdlu nominates maulkin for president
20:13:01 * Maulkin thanks cdlu but declines.
20:13:10 <luk_> lol
20:13:14 <cdlu> :(
20:13:29 <Maulkin> Sorry, I think bdale's the man for the job still.
20:13:49 <Maulkin> Anyone else?
20:14:40 <Maulkin> Right, I'll take it as a block, send me a message of the form 'YYYY' for all yes, 'YNYY' for a no for Joerg etc.
20:14:48 <Maulkin> Everyone understand that? :)
20:15:00 <schultmc> Y
20:15:02 <Maulkin> heh
20:15:03 <zobel> Y
20:15:04 <luk_> Y
20:15:39 <Maulkin> Two more needed please
20:15:55 <Ganneff> X
20:16:20 <cdlu> nup. I'm prepared to vote on the slate.
20:16:21 <cdlu> arg... choppy connection again. :(
20:16:30 <luk_> Maulkin: you didn't tell what's used for abstain
20:16:42 <cdlu> luk, AAAA :)
20:16:44 <zobel> - ?
20:16:45 <Maulkin> Err... A
20:16:45 <Maulkin> :)
20:17:27 <luk_> secret votes are interesting :)
20:17:29 <Maulkin> zobel: ?
20:17:44 <zobel> did you said the voting starts?
20:17:45 <luk_> Maulkin: he proposed '?' for abstain
20:17:58 <Maulkin> Sorry, go :)
20:18:05 <cdlu> haha
20:18:07 <luk_> zobel: just msg Maulkin with your vote
20:18:09 <Maulkin> ? is fine for abstain too :)
20:18:54 <Maulkin> Thank you, voting closes
20:19:01 <Maulkin> All officers are elected as above
20:19:08 <cdlu> that was easy. :)
20:19:13 <Hydroxide> yay
20:19:15 <Hydroxide> thanks all
20:19:22 <Maulkin> And on a personal note, may I say: Hydroxide - haha, it's your problem now :)
20:19:28 <Hydroxide> :-)
20:19:33 <cdlu> so effective immediately, Hydroxide is secretary eh.
20:19:35 <cdlu> sucker. :)
20:19:35 <luk_> Maulkin: you didn't tell how many votes were abstain, no or yes?
20:19:46 <Maulkin> luk_: correct
20:20:02 <Maulkin> cdlu: At end of meeting.
20:20:05 <zobel> well, actually i was trying to propose "-" as abstain. and secondly i waited to Maulkin to tell us to start to vote... as he usualy does.
20:20:21 <Maulkin> See, this is why I'm not secretary anymore :)
20:20:39 <luk_> Maulkin: how can I be more sure you didn't do anything wrong with the vote results? :-)
20:20:44 * Maulkin is actually checking the bylaws to make sure we've covered it all...)
20:21:35 - cdlu_!~432b8828(at)webuser(dot)thegrebs(dot)com has joined #spi
20:21:40 <Hydroxide> I think that's the last thing aside from setting the next meeting date
20:21:46 <cdlu_> my connection keeps dropping... getting annoying.
20:21:46 * Maulkin nods
20:22:00 <Maulkin> I'm not sure if I can reveal the ballot, so I won't
20:22:06 <luk_> Maulkin: having the numbers would at least make sure I could be sure you counted all my abstains etc :-)
20:22:12 <cdlu_> hehe
20:22:25 <Maulkin> If someone can convince me, or Hydroxide that I should, then I'll publish them
20:22:28 <cdlu_> I have no objection to the numbers being released. It does not compromise the confidentiality of the ballots.
20:22:41 * luk_ agrees with cdlu_
20:22:41 <Hydroxide> I have no objection either, though no strong feelings on the matter
20:22:48 * schultmc does not object
20:22:53 * zobel agrees to cdlu_
20:23:00 <Maulkin> Damn by-laws
20:23:01 <slef> precedent
20:23:02 <Hydroxide> ok, that sounds like a decision :)
20:23:30 <Hydroxide> slef: ah, it was actually a non-secret vote then
20:23:35 <Hydroxide> interesting
20:23:41 <Maulkin> slef: hrm. Shouldn't have had the list there. But good enough for me.
20:23:46 <Maulkin> Votes were unanimous.
20:23:49 <cdlu_> anyway, I'd like to say that I intend to introduce a resolution for the next meeting calling for the "contributing membership" list to be made up of those who have voted in the previous election, plus any people who have joined since the previous election.
20:23:53 <Maulkin> Everyone loves everyone
20:24:18 <Maulkin> cdlu: Please chat with membership ctte about that :)
20:24:27 <cdlu_> which will allow us to have a referendum sensibly
20:24:27 <cdlu_> ok
20:24:29 <Hydroxide> nice to hear that we're all working well together
20:24:30 <cdlu_> who's on it these days? :)
20:24:33 <Clint> cdlu_: causing a third class of membership to be created?
20:24:34 <Maulkin> anyway, next item: AOB?
20:24:43 <cdlu_> Clint, what's the third class?
20:24:59 <Clint> "contributor member not on the contributing membership list"?
20:25:00 * Hydroxide suggests that this discussion happen after the close of the meeting
20:25:02 <luk_> cdlu_: schultmc, Maulkin and luk_
20:25:07 <Clint> please read that as if it had been in english
20:25:12 <cdlu_> people who are not voting (voting blank would count) being returned to non-contrib on an annual basis satisfies our annual expiry requirements.
20:25:23 <Maulkin> Right, I'm guessing no
20:25:25 * Clint nods.
20:25:25 <Maulkin> So next meeting
20:25:47 <cdlu_> ok
20:25:55 <Maulkin> I'm going to assumes times are still fine, as I still have the time survey from all members
20:26:03 <cdlu> ah this one is finally back. groan.
20:26:09 <Maulkin> cdlu / Hydroxide : has this changed since you sent it in?
20:26:17 <cdlu> my times haven't changed
20:26:26 <Hydroxide> The main change for me is I start a new job tomorrow
20:26:28 <cdlu> I'm generally very available.
20:26:30 <luk_> I didn't review the time survey
20:26:41 <Maulkin> luk_: you did :)
20:26:46 <Maulkin> Well, I have data from you :)
20:26:46 <schultmc> my times may have changed but 1900 M-F should work for me
20:26:49 <Hydroxide> I expect I'll be able to pay attention to IRC at least somewhat during the one wednesday per month
20:27:07 <Hydroxide> so let's assume it's fine for me and I'll speak up if that changes
20:27:08 <Maulkin> Ok
20:27:11 <Maulkin> Next board meeting - Wednesday, September 17th, 2008, 19:00 UTC
20:27:23 <cdlu_> sounds good.
20:27:27 <luk_> I don't recall having reviewed it, but don't have any strong objections as usual :-)
20:27:48 <Maulkin> I have an issue, and need apologies probably as I'm in Munich, but apart from that, shoudl be ok
20:28:08 <luk_> Maulkin: are you going to visit aba?
20:28:09 <Maulkin> So, *GAVEL*

Hope that informs,
MJ Ray (slef)
Webmaster for hire, statistician and online shop builder for a small
worker cooperative
(Notice tel:+44-844-4437-237