Meeting log of 2011-12-15

Lists: spi-general
From: MJ Ray <mjr(at)phonecoop(dot)coop>
To: spi-general(at)lists(dot)spi-inc(dot)org
Subject: Meeting log of 2011-12-15
Date: 2011-12-16 12:07:51
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Lists: spi-general


[item 1, Opening]
<Ganneff> Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of
directors meeting, which is now called to order. Today's agenda and
details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:

[item 2, Roll Call]
21:00:11 <Clint> Clint Adams
21:00:11 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:00:15 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:00:16 <Solver> Robert Brockway
21:00:16 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:00:17 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:02:50 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz

[item 3, President's Report]
<Ganneff> Agenda looks like there is none, and Bdale is out anyways, so next

[item 4, Treasurer's Report]
<schultmc> Standard report is in the agenda - nothing further to report

[item 5, Secretary's report]
<Noodles> Nothing from me.

[item 6, Outstanding minutes]
voting results for "Minutes for Wednesday, 9th November 2011": Yes: 6, Abstain: 1

[item 7, Stuff for discussion]
voting results for "Resolution 2011-12-11.rtb.1 ( as an SPI Associated Project)": Yes: 7

[item 8, AOB]
<Solver> Any other Americans want to take look at the D&O?
<Ganneff> hrm. looks like it stays with jimmy for the time

[item 9, Next board meeting]
Next board meeting: Thursday, 12th January, 2012, 21:00 UTC


21:00:02 <Ganneff> *BANG*
21:00:02 <Ganneff> [item 1, Opening] Welcome to today's Software in the Public Interest board of directors meeting, which is now called to order.
21:00:02 <Ganneff> Today's agenda and details of pending resolutions can be found on the web at:
21:00:02 <Ganneff> [item 2, Roll Call]
21:00:02 <Ganneff> Board members, please state your name for the record. As we have nine board members, quorum for today's meeting is six. Guests (including board advisors), please /msg your names to Noodles if you wish your attendance to be recorded in the minutes of this meeting.
21:00:02 <Ganneff> Noodles: any regrets?
21:00:11 <Clint> Clint Adams
21:00:11 <schultmc> Michael Schultheiss
21:00:15 <Ganneff> Joerg Jaspert
21:00:16 <Solver> Robert Brockway
21:00:16 <Noodles> Jonathan McDowell
21:00:17 <zobel> Martin Zobel-Helas
21:00:25 <Noodles> Potential regrets from bdale which I'm guessing apply.
21:00:37 <Ganneff> quorum reached. nownow, Hydroxide?
21:01:34 <Ganneff> ohwell
21:01:36 <Ganneff> [item 3, President's Report]
21:01:36 <Ganneff> Agenda looks like there is none, and Bdale is out anyways, so next
21:01:36 <Ganneff> [item 4, Treasurer's Report]
21:01:36 <Ganneff> Thats for Michael
21:01:51 <schultmc> Standard report is in the agenda - nothing further to report
21:01:58 <Ganneff> any questions?
21:02:18 <Ganneff> [item 5, Secretary's report]
21:02:18 <Ganneff> Jonathan?
21:02:25 <Noodles> Nothing from me.
21:02:43 <Ganneff> [item 6, Outstanding minutes]
21:02:43 <Ganneff> Noodles: I think we have one set to vote on?
21:02:48 <Noodles> Yup, from last month.
21:02:50 <Hydroxide> Jimmy Kaplowitz
21:02:53 <Ganneff> lets go
21:02:54 <Hydroxide> computer froze at exactly the wrong time
21:02:56 <Ganneff> and a hydro
21:03:16 <zobel> lets vote
21:03:22 <Noodles> Voting started, 7 people (clint,ganneff,hydroxide,noodles,schultmc,solver,zobel) allowed to vote on Minutes for Wednesday, 9th November 2011. - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:03:24 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:03:25 <Clint> !vote yes
21:03:25 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:03:26 <Hydroxide> !vote abstain
21:03:28 <zobel> !vote yes
21:03:30 <Noodles> Patience! It's a pain to type the start command.
21:03:30 <Solver> !vote yes
21:03:34 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:03:44 <Noodles> Current voting results for "Minutes for Wednesday, 9th November 2011": Yes: 6, No: 0, Abstain: 1, Missing: 0 ()
21:03:47 <Noodles> Voting for "Minutes for Wednesday, 9th November 2011" closed.
21:03:51 <Ganneff> Noodles: send me the script once please (yeayeah its mine, i know, but...)
21:03:55 <Ganneff> [item 7, Stuff for discussion]
21:03:55 <Ganneff> This looks like the resolution. Noodles?
21:04:12 <Noodles> Seems fairly straightforward to me. Can we move to voting?
21:04:17 <Ganneff> go from me
21:04:18 <zobel> ack
21:04:20 <Hydroxide> let's vote
21:04:21 <Solver> I'm happy to proceed with voting
21:04:36 <Noodles> Voting started, 7 people (clint,ganneff,hydroxide,noodles,schultmc,solver,zobel) allowed to vote on Resolution 2011-12-11.rtb.1 ( as an SPI Associated Project). - You may vote yes/no/abstain only, type !vote $yourchoice now.
21:04:38 <Clint> !vote yes
21:04:39 <zobel> !vote yes
21:04:39 <Hydroxide> do we have the liaison present here? would be good to get acceptance done immediately post-vote if so
21:04:39 <schultmc> !vote yes
21:04:40 <Ganneff> !vote yes
21:04:42 <Solver> !vote yes
21:04:42 <Hydroxide> !vote yes
21:04:42 <Noodles> !vote yes
21:04:47 <Clint> Heffalump: around?
21:04:49 <Noodles> Hydroxide: Heffalump is here.
21:04:54 <Heffalump> I'm here, but I'd rather we confirm with the cmomunity for sure before we do accept.
21:05:02 <Ganneff> thats fine
21:05:04 <Noodles> Current voting results for "Resolution 2011-12-11.rtb.1 ( as an SPI Associated Project)": Yes: 7, No: 0, Abstain: 0, Missing: 0 ()
21:05:05 <Heffalump> it's very unlikely that they'd object, but it's a bit more transparent/open
21:05:06 <Hydroxide> Heffalump: that's fine. you have the 60 days as usual
21:05:06 <Noodles> Voting for "Resolution 2011-12-11.rtb.1 ( as an SPI Associated Project)" closed.
21:05:22 <Heffalump> thank you very much, on behalf of the committee!
21:05:39 <Ganneff> right. formal mail on it later, i think?
21:05:40 <Noodles> Heffalump: Email secretary(at)spi-inc(dot)org when you accept, with a logo and some blurb for the /projects/ page.
21:05:49 <Heffalump> and we look forward to joining.
21:05:51 <Ganneff> ah, or well, just like this. hehe.
21:05:55 <Hydroxide> great
21:06:01 <Ganneff> right, next then, we are fast today.
21:06:06 <Ganneff> [item 8, AOB]
21:06:06 <Ganneff> Anyone anything?
21:06:25 <Noodles> Not from me.
21:06:27 <Ganneff> ill give a minute, then go on if nothing
21:06:34 <zobel> not from me
21:06:38 <Solver> Any other Americans want to take look at the D&O?
21:07:29 <Ganneff> hrm. looks like it stays with jimmy for th/bin/sed: can't read .bip/logs/2011-12-15/*private*: No such file or directory
e time
21:07:33 <Ganneff> [item 9, Next board meeting]
21:07:33 <Ganneff> Next board meeting: Thursday, 12th January, 2012, 21:00 UTC
21:07:33 - Ganneff!~joerg(at)ganneff(dot)chair(dot)oftc(dot)net changed topic of #spi to: | Next board meeting Thursday, 12th January, 2012, 21:00 UTC (aka `date -d @1326402000`)
21:07:50 <zobel> 7.5 min
21:07:53 <Ganneff> and so, thanks.
21:07:54 <Ganneff> *GAVEL*

Hope that informs,
MJ Ray (slef), member of, a for-more-than-profit co-op. supporter, web and library systems developer.
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